Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ring Parade notes February 1981

So, I've been saying for a long time I was going to do this.......put some reviews/notes on old Ring Parades from The Linking Ring here's my first:

[Page 59]

A Coin Routine: A very involved coin routine using a Boston Box (among other things); quite British in design/timbre. Good fodder for ideas/inspiration.....would take a while to work up.

Four Card Assembly: An assembly routine with some potential.

Marbelized: A mental routine with a bunch of envelopes, colored ribbon, a display board, reads like one of those things that "another" guy could maybe work, but I don't think its right for me. Long editorial at the end suggests it seemed a bit convoluted and wordy......did give a bit of a snippet about working up your own cheap-o clear force bag, though.

The 5040 Prediction: A very promising number card thing that I might consider.

Simplicity one in fifty two card force: An excellent card force, using an easily-gaffed deck.......that one's a keeper!!

(to be continued later...........)

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